Responsive Website Design

For successful businesses a user-friendly website is vital. Just look around you (or at yourself): we are all reliant on our smartphones. Therefor, your website should be easily accessible on any device, and especially on mobiles (smartphones and tablets). The approach to modern website design nowadays is: mobile first.

Mobile use has almost completely taken over the conventional desktop. Searching on the internet, visiting websites (incl. online shops) and making online purchases now mostly takes place using mobile devices. There is no doubt that mobile cannot be ignored.

The problem with many older websites is that they were developed at a time when mobile was not so important. These websites are not ‘responsive‘ or ‘optimized‘ for mobile view. Oops, there we mentioned two different terms. Don’t they mean the same? Not exactly.


Mobile responsive is the easiest and most cost effective solution. It means that most elements on a website page are also present when viewed on a mobile, only in a different way.

Take this site as an example. If you view it on a smartphone, you’ll see that this 2-column lay-out changes into a 1-column lay-out. Also, the menu bar changes into a button which – when clicked on – reveals a drop-down with menu links. The top slider on the Home Page is replaced by a simpler image (because mobiles are typically on slower connections).

These are just 3 quite basic and simple examples of ‘responsive’ design. Responsive websites resize and adjust proportions seamlessly between mobile, tablet and PC.



Mobile optimized needs more work and thus is more expensive. This means that the website has two different versions: one for desktops and laptops (or: for larger screens) and another, separate, web design for smaller screens.

You can typically see this when the website’s address changes on mobile devices in something like ‘’.

A separate mobile website is built with mobile users in mind and may have e.g. larger navigation buttons, optimized (smaller file size) images, or even different content specifically targeted at mobile users.

It will more look and feel like an ‘app’ instead of a ‘website’.


ToucanAsia can make your website mobile friendly. We can help your website excel not just on a big screen but also on small screens. We focus on optimizing your site to mobile compatibility.

We can make your site appear everywhere easily, effectively and conveniently.

While maintaining functionality and the content, Cam-Design will design your website to remain effective and user-friendly on mobile devices. We ensure that users will not have any trouble viewing your website.

ToucanAsia can enhance your visibility and therefore, engage more mobile viewers.