Redesign Website

We Defining real problems and

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Defining real problems with a site is not always straightforward – here are clear signs that its time for a website redesign.

It’s not generating leads

If your site’s not converting visitors to leads, you are probably haemorrhaging opportunities. Your website is often the first impression you’ll make, and if it sits like a pretty face with no mechanism for interactivity other than offering up your phone number, that first date’s going to be short.

Redesign Website

Redesign Website


It’s not optimised for mobile

People are visiting your site from multiple devices. A significant proportion of your traffic is already from mobile – and those mobile visitors do care. If your website’s not working on the leading browsers and devices, you are quite literally ignoring potential customers. See more about website fore mobile

It is clearly outdated

The only reason a site should look retro is if it’s selling the past. Anything else and you need to look current. A visitor should get a sense of your company through your website. A modern website will focus on user experience and the interface as well as the content. If your site offers a look or performance that is outdated, then so does your business.

It’s not easy to use

Visitors to your site need to find information easily. If they can’t use simple, intuitive navigation to get there in as few clicks as possible, you’ve got a problem. If your visitors have to search through countless pages or are taken to incorrect pages, you are creating frustration, which is counterintuitive.

The bottom line – if your website is not helping your business, it’s not working. If it’s not attracting the right people, at the right time, and converting them to leads and sales, and it’s not current and easy to use, then maybe it’s time for a website redesign.



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