Every small or multi-location company can grow their business and attract more customers using local SEO strategies. In this local SEO guide we explain what local search optimization is, and why using a local SEO company can help improve your online visibility.

What is Local SEO Marketing?

Local SEO (Local Search Engine Optimization), sometimes referred to as local search engine marketing, is an incredibly effective way to market your local business online, as it helps businesses promote their products and services to local customers at the exact time they’re looking for them online.

This is achieved through a variety of methods, some of which differ greatly from what’s practiced in standard SEO, and some of which are far easier to manage using local SEO tools and can require specific local SEO services.

What is a ‘Local Search’?

First, let’s look at the differences between a standard informational search and what’s known as a local search.

Whereas anyone in the world with good enough SEO and authority can rank for a search query like ‘how to fix a blocked drain’, when the query has much more purchase intent behind it, it becomes ‘plumbers near me’ or ‘best plumber in [location]’.

For these types of search query, which typically include a location or ‘near me’ (which aren’t even necessary if searching using Google Maps or if Google knows your location and assumes the search has local intent), search engines understand that what the searcher wants is business suggestions or lists based on location, and so that’s precisely what they offer up in the local search engine results pages (SERPs). This difference in behaviour and result is precisely why local SEO is important and worth investing in alongside standard SEO.

What are Local SERPs?

What local businesses need most to improve traffic to their websites or through their doors is visibility on what’s known as the ‘local pack’ or ‘3-pack’. This is the block of three business listings that appear below the map in the results displayed after a Google search with local intent.

Below is the local pack that results from the search ‘plumbers san francisco’.

You’ll notice plenty here that’s different from standard organic results, such as opening times, review ratings, and even photos. Although Google is getting clever enough to pull this information directly from your website, that’s not where these elements come from.

Everything that’s displayed in the local pack comes from the business’ Google My Business profile, a critical part of Local SEO marketing that’s becoming more important as Google tries to satisfy more search queries directly in the SERPs.

What is Google My Business?

Previously known as Google Local, and for a time, even Google+ Local, Google My Business (GMB) is, as the name suggests, your business profile on Google. You can find out how to add or claim your Google My Business listing here.

It feeds information to a variety of places, including the local pack and Google Maps search results, but the most familiar appearance will likely be when it’s in the top right (or top on mobile) of a branded search for your business, as below.

ToucanAsia on Google


This is what’s known as the Knowledge Panel. Your GMB profile can include a host of information submitted by yourself, such as the services you offer, contact details, business description, category, and opening times but it’s important to note that features such as GMB attributes, GMB Q&As, and Google Reviews are almost entirely generated by consumers, ideally with experience of your business.

A big part of local SEO is making your GMB profile as up-to-date and accurate as possible, so that it has a higher chance of appearing in the local pack, and trustworthy, attractive and appealing enough to warrant a clickthrough. Although it’s incredibly powerful, Google My Business is just one example of what’s known as a ‘citation’.

What are the citations?

A citation is any place your business’ NAPW (Name, Address, Phone number, Website URL) information appears together online, typically in an online directory or business listings website.

These are particularly important to get in place for local SEO, as if you don’t appear in the places people are looking for businesses like yours, you’re likely to get overtaken by the competitors that do.

There are two types of citation: unstructured and structured. Structured citations typically appear in business listings and come from form fields being filled in when the listing is claimed. Below we’ve highlighted in yellow the structured citation for a Yelp listing.

Unstructured citations are more likely to be the result of press and social media, wherein your NAPW information is visible and connected on a web page (perhaps throughout a local news piece about the business), but not in a structured format.

Getting citations for your local business isn’t just important, it’s widely known as ‘table stakes’ in local search optimization, as in ‘if you don’t get citations, you can’t play the game’. While it’s key to make this a foundational aspect of your local SEO strategy, by building citations in the most relevant websites, research shows that if they’re not regularly updated and cleaned up, there can be serious consequences.

How do I rank well in local search?

So now you know what local business SEO’s all about, you’ll probably be wondering how to actually achieve success in it! First, we’d recommend familiarizing yourself with the three core elements of local search ranking:

  • Proximity: How close is your business to the searcher?
  • Relevance: How relevant to the search query are your products and services?
  • Prominence: What do other consumers say about your products and services?

What are the main local SEO services?

Thanks to evolving nature of search engines like Google, Local SEO can be a lot to work on. It’s always changing, and can take a lot of time and effort to get right. This is why so many SEO agencies and consultants invest in learning how to do local SEO rather than broader SEO. The rules are very different as you’re aiming to achieve different goals, and in many cases clients don’t mind if the high visibility of their businesses in local search and business listings directories leads to more direct contact and foot traffic than website visits.

We’ve covered some of the key things that help to achieve success in local SEO; now here’s an overview of all the local SEO services that can make a difference:

Website ‘localization’

‘Localizing’ your website means including your city, county or region name naturally throughout your site. For businesses with several locations, this could involve creating separate pages or Content Hubs for individual locations. Other tactics include getting involved with local community events and featuring articles and information about them on the site.

Citation Building

Ensure your site features on citation sites and online business directories. Not only will this help customers find your business, but featuring your company’s name, address, phone number and website URL (NAPW) on citation sites and adding extra information to business directories will help improve your search rankings.

Claiming your Google My Business listing

Claiming your Google My Business page is a a key step towards helping your business display on important Google services, such as local search results and Google Maps. GMB (and its Microsoft equivalent, Bing Places for Business) should always be the first online directory you take ownership of.

Managing reviews and ratings

Genuine, honest reviews are critical both for showcasing the quality of your service and for sending signals to search engines that your site and service are trusted and useful. The amount of reviews you receive, the overall quality of the reviews and the authority of the review sites themselves are all important factors for local search rankings.

Getting quality, relevant backlinks

Naturally obtained backlinks from well-regarded websites help search engines recognize your site as a trusted source of information and boosts the ‘prominence’ aspect of the local search algorithm. Links from local newspapers, bloggers and business associations, as well as citations, can all help improve your search visibility.

You can find out more on optimizing your website in our local business SEO best practice guide.

10 Reasons Why Local SEO Services Can Help You Attract New Customers

Local customers are turning to the internet to find local businesses – on desktop AND mobile

The age of the printed phone book is over (literally: the last ever printed Yellow Pages in the UK was circulated around the corner from BrightLocal in January, 2019), as more and more people are turning to the internet to find information about local businesses.

Here are some statistics:

  • 96% of PC owners conduct local searches
  • 46% of all Google searches are local
  • 64% of local customers use search engines and directories as their main way to find local businesses
  • 50% of local mobile searchers look for business information (like a company’s address or phone number)
  • A whopping 78% of local mobile searches result in an offline purchase

(Sources: Searchengineland.com and Business2community.com)

Local search marketing is highly targeted and timely

The top reason people perform local searches is to find a local business. The second most common reason is to find a product or service. Many local searchers are looking for a specific business’ name, but many who search don’t have a specific business in mind when they begin their hunt.

By using learning how to do local SEO marketing you can better position your business and promote what you have to offer to local customers when they’re looking for your type of business. There’s no better time to connect with a potential customer than when they really need you.

Local search has the highest conversion levels of all local advertising channels

If you want a quick reason why local SEO is important, this is it. Online directories (like Yelp, Citysearch, Foursquare, etc.) display a business’ name, address, phone number and sometimes additional information (like a menu or business description). Local directories dominate the first page of many local search results. Local directory marketing (just one of many local SEO strategies) has a higher conversion rate than other more traditional advertising options – up to 50% conversion on some directories. That means that by getting your business accurately listed on as many quality online directory sites as you can, you’ll convert 1 in 2 leads into an actual customer.

Mobile Internet is Growing

More and more customers use mobile phones or tablets to find the best local businesses while they’re on the go. In fact, mobile digital media time in the US is now higher at 51% compared to desktop use at 42%. Local SEO covers both PC and mobile internet access, meaning you never miss out on a potential customer.


Local SEO results in a great return on investment

Unlike traditional advertising (e.g. local newspapers, leaflets, direct mail, etc.), with local SEO there is little wasted exposure. You reach potential customers when they need you — not when they don’t. This makes local business SEO both efficient and cost-effective.

Only 44% of businesses have claimed their Google My Business listing

Google My Business is a free listing that Google makes available for almost any business. Getting listed on Google My Business can help increase your chances of showing up high in local search results on Google. Additionally, many local businesses still haven’t figured out the importance of online marketing yet. That leaves the door open for you to get a head-start before your competitors wise up and it gets more competitive. Strike while the iron’s hot!

(Source: Local Marketing Institute)

Many of the best local SEO opportunities are FREE (for now!)

It’s free to claim your listing on Google My Business, Bing Places for Business and on hundreds of other online business directories. That means free promotion for your business!

Only 20% of adults get news from print newspapers

Traditional advertising media is declining. In fact, fewer and fewer people are reading local newspapers. Recent figures show some local newspapers have lost 80% of their readership in the last 20 years. Why? Because more and more people are turning to the internet for their local news and information about local businesses.

85% of consumers trust online business reviews as much as personal recommendations

Word of mouth is a major factor in the success of many local businesses. So increase your company’s online reputation, ask trusted customers to leave a positive review about your business online — and attract hundreds of new customers.

(Source: Local Consumer Review Survey)

Local customers rely on the internet to find information about your business

These days, people depend on the internet to find information about all types of products and services, whether they’re using traditional search or, as is more and more the case, voice search to find local businesses. If your business isn’t found on local search results, you’ll miss out on new customers. Implementing a variety of Local SEO strategies for your business can help you show up on the internet map for future customers to see!

Grow your business using Local SEO

These local search marketing trends are strong now and they’re only going to get stronger and more significant in the future, especially considering how keen Google is to keep the local search experience off your website.

Now is the time for you to take advantage of local SEO services and boost your business before your competitors catch on. All local businesses, from plumbers and builders to florists and accountants can improve their business and make more money through local SEO marketing, so get started today!